<p>calm down white chicken. </p>
<p>uncle patt's pizzaritos. </p>
<p>drink a fancy. </p>
<p>toad ladder. </p>
<p>so many bunnies. </p>
<p>canadian sandcastle riots. </p>
<p>free range dependent bunny. </p>
<p>snurfally murder machines. </p>
<p>choke on a combo. </p>
<p>how do you eat a cadbury cream egg?</p>
<p>thanks to everyone who leaves us voicemails. </p>
<p>thank you to the scorpions of support. </p>
<p>www.mediocreshow.com </p>
<p>voicemail line: 816-919-0808</p>
<p>instagram: mediocreshow </p>
<p>subscribe to the scorpions of support to help the show continue.</p>