calm down white chicken. 
uncle patt’s pizzaritos. 
drink a fancy. 
toad ladder. 
so many bunnies. 
canadian sandcastle riots. 
free range dependent bunny. 
snurfally murder machines. 
choke on a combo. 
how do you eat a cadbury cream egg?
thanks to everyone who leaves us voicemails. 
thank you to the scorpions of support. 
voicemail line: 816-919-0808
instagram: mediocreshow 
subscribe to the scorpions of support to help the show continue.

mediocre show

Eric Tomorrow

mediocre 940 (uncle patt's pizzaritos)

SEP 22, 2024129 MIN
mediocre show

mediocre 940 (uncle patt's pizzaritos)

SEP 22, 2024129 MIN


<p>calm down white chicken. </p> <p>uncle patt's pizzaritos. </p> <p>drink a fancy. </p> <p>toad ladder. </p> <p>so many bunnies. </p> <p>canadian sandcastle riots. </p> <p>free range dependent bunny. </p> <p>snurfally murder machines. </p> <p>choke on a combo. </p> <p>how do you eat a cadbury cream egg?</p> <p>thanks to everyone who leaves us voicemails. </p> <p>thank you to the scorpions of support. </p> <p> </p> <p>voicemail line: 816-919-0808</p> <p>instagram: mediocreshow </p> <p>subscribe to the scorpions of support to help the show continue.</p>