MMA Fighter James McSweeney on brain health - Robert Seik, PharmD

MAR 28, 2014-1 MIN
Triton Nutrition

MMA Fighter James McSweeney on brain health - Robert Seik, PharmD

MAR 28, 2014-1 MIN


<p><a href=''><img src='' width='200' height='120' alt='MMA Fighter James McSweeney on brain health - Robert Seik, PharmD'/></a></p><p>  </p> <p> Think you have your training and nutrition plan perfected? Don’t forget about your brain.<br><br> MMA fighter and champion Thai kick boxer James McSweeney and Triton Nutrition® co-founder Robert Seik talk about Triton Nutrition's® <a href="">Neurokinetic Cream</a> and how it can help you stay focused in and out of the gym.<br><br> One pump of this unique and innovative cream is applied twice daily to your inner forearms. Robert explains that fat-soluble B vitamins in their most active forms provided by <a href="">Neurokinetic cream</a> are used by the brain as co-factors to make neurotransmitters, which support healthy brain function.<br><br> James said with the intense time commitment that goes into training and proper nutrition, he was excited to find a product that helps keep his mind focused and strong plus keep his mood good when he's not training hard. The easy application method means one less thing he has to take in pill or drink form, which he likes.<br><br> After taking it for about five months, James said that his mood has improved in and out of the gym. He also finds he has more focus and that his mind doesn’t wander like it used to during training sessions.<br> “It does keep me more focused,” he said.<br><br> James said this is important because not only is he able to give his best during every workout, he’s more confident that his enhanced concentration and quickened reaction time will help him avoid injuries.<br><br> “If you’re not concentrating, a lot of things can go bad in the gym,” he said.<br><br> Try Triton Nutrition's® <a href="">Neurokinetic Cream</a> for yourself and let us know if your concentration, focus, and mood improves.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> by Robert Seik, PharmD</p>