Spurgeon RePreached | Sermon 24: Forgiveness (Isaiah 43:25)

MAR 31, 201458 MIN
Spurgeon RePreached – Spurgeon RePreached

Spurgeon RePreached | Sermon 24: Forgiveness (Isaiah 43:25)

MAR 31, 201458 MIN


A dramatic re-preaching of Spurgeon’s Sermon 24 from New Park Street Pulpit sermons volume 1.

Isaiah 43:25:
“I, even I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”

“THERE are some passages of sacred writ which have been more abundantly blessed to the conversion of souls than others. They may be called salvation texts. We may not be able to discover how it is, or why it is, but certainly it is the fact, that some chosen verses have been more used of God to bring men to the cross of Christ than any others in his Word. Certainly they are not more inspired, but I suppose they are more noticeable from their position, from their peculiar phraseology more adapted to catch the eye of the reader, and more suitable to a prevailing spiritual condition. All the stars in the heavens shine very brightly, but only a few attract the eye of the mariner, and direct his course; the reason is this, that those few stars from their peculiar grouping are more readily distinguished, and the eye easily fixes upon them. So I suppose it is with those passages of God’s Word which especially attract attention, and direct the sinner to the cross of Christ. It so happens that this text is one of the chief of them.”

A PDF of this sermon in updated language can be found here: Music credit: Dexter Britain “The Time to Run” found here: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Dexter_Britain/Creative_Commons_Selection/The_Time_To_Run

Listen in SoundCloud.