Escaping from the monstrous clutches of Gremauld, Berenger is rescued by a vindictive band of mutant frogs on a creaky ship making their way down the mucky sewage rivers beneath Nighttown. Who is this “King of the Frogs” to whom these “muckety-muck” amphibians profess their devotion? And what sinister plans do they have for the ever inauspicious Berenger? Kip Foghorn of Nighttown News provides updates on the mysterious Midtown Train explosion while Smoothy Juicy returns to his disc jockey duties to play more of your favorite smooth jazz classics, whether you like it or not…

The Meat Blockade

The Meat Blockade

Episode 5 – The Frog King of the Sewer

APR 6, 201623 MIN
The Meat Blockade

Episode 5 – The Frog King of the Sewer

APR 6, 201623 MIN


Escaping from the monstrous clutches of Gremauld, Berenger is rescued by a vindictive band of mutant frogs on a creaky ship making their way down the mucky sewage rivers beneath Nighttown. Who is this “King of the Frogs” to whom these “muckety-muck” amphibians profess their devotion? And what sinister plans do they have for the ever inauspicious Berenger? Kip Foghorn of Nighttown News provides updates on the mysterious Midtown Train explosion while Smoothy Juicy returns to his disc jockey duties to play more of your favorite smooth jazz classics, whether you like it or not…