After escaping the monstrous clutches of Gremauld, Berenger and friends, Angela and Roscoe, make their way through the sewers to the surface in Chief Inspector Fry’s car. What old friend does Karl nearly run over in their speedy getaway? And what will become of the trio once they arrive on the chaotic Platypocalyptic streets of Nighttown?
Back in radio land, Smoothy Juicy receives a not so friendly visit from Catman, along with some other unwanted company…
This episode concludes Volume One of Karl Berenger’s misadventures.

The Meat Blockade

The Meat Blockade

Episode 8 – The Army of the Platypi (Part 2)

DEC 13, 201920 MIN
The Meat Blockade

Episode 8 – The Army of the Platypi (Part 2)

DEC 13, 201920 MIN


After escaping the monstrous clutches of Gremauld, Berenger and friends, Angela and Roscoe, make their way through the sewers to the surface in Chief Inspector Fry’s car. What old friend does Karl nearly run over in their speedy getaway? And what will become of the trio once they arrive on the chaotic Platypocalyptic streets of Nighttown?

Back in radio land, Smoothy Juicy receives a not so friendly visit from Catman, along with some other unwanted company…

This episode concludes Volume One of Karl Berenger’s misadventures.