David Metcalf, Director of the METIL lab at the University of Central Florida joined Pat Salber to discuss the growing role of Alexa in the management of health and healthcare. She makes it easy to remember to take your meds. She can connect you to your doctor for a video conference. She can even turn your hospital room into a smart room so you can use your voice to close the blinds, turn on the TV or ask your nurse for more medication. Who knows what she will be doing in the future as the form factors evolve and her functionality grows.


The Doctor Weighs In

Will Alexa Be Part of the Doctor Patient Relationship?

FEB 20, 201814 MIN

Will Alexa Be Part of the Doctor Patient Relationship?

FEB 20, 201814 MIN


David Metcalf, Director of the METIL lab at the University of Central Florida joined Pat Salber to discuss the growing role of Alexa in the management of health and healthcare. She makes it easy to remember to take your meds. She can connect you to your doctor for a video conference. She can even turn your hospital room into a smart room so you can use your voice to close the blinds, turn on the TV or ask your nurse for more medication. Who knows what she will be doing in the future as the form factors evolve and her functionality grows.