002 Finding Vegan Food in Non-Vegan Places

JUN 19, 20148 MIN
On The Go Vegan Show

002 Finding Vegan Food in Non-Vegan Places

JUN 19, 20148 MIN


Side Dish vegan.  No Cheese, Oil, Milk, Butter, or Salt.  But have chef add spices.

Side Dish vegan. No Cheese, Oil, Milk, Butter, or Salt. But have chef add spices.

Three tips for finding vegan food in non-vegan places.

I picked up these tips during my first year as a vegan commercial airline pilot.

(1) Side Dish Vegan – Order side dishes, but order in a new way.  No “COMBS”  (Cheese, Oil, Milk, Butter, Salt). Let the chef go crazy with the spices, but no salt.  Write out instructions and hand to waiter to make it easy.   Have the veggies cooked in water, not oil.  They taste better that way.




Veggies cooked in water by the hotel restaurant omelet chef.  No eggs, meat, cheese.

Veggies cooked in water by the restaurant omelet chef. No eggs, meat, cheese.

(2) Hotel Breakfast Ideas– Have the Omelet Chef cook you just sautéed veggies and mushrooms, in water.  No COMBS, this time the “M” stands for meat.   Most hotel breakfast buffets have hot non-dairy oatmeal, fruit, and some grab-and-go fruit like apples, bananas, or oranges for later snacks.



Yogurt Places - get the topping only for a vegan feast.

Yogurt Places – get the topping only for a vegan feast.

(3) Yogurt Places – Topping only.   Avoid the yogurt.  Instead, fill up your bowl with fresh toppings: strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mangos, dried cranberries, coconut, and mixed nuts.

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