Gospel Conversations podcast
Gospel Conversations podcast

Gospel Conversations podcast

Tony Golsby-Smith



Gospel Conversations takes a creative approach to attaining a deeper understanding of the gospel and what it means to us today. Our speakers are not ministers, but range from a diverse community of Christian thinkers who lead their various fields of knowledge in history, design thinking, theology, philosophy, and organisational leadership—among others. Each month we host a live event in Sydney, then publish it as a podcast.


Recent Episodes

The patristic view of atonement part 2
OCT 4, 2024
The patristic view of atonement part 2
<p>We have all been waiting for Ben to continue our journey into the amazing Patristic model of the atonement. Here it is. The single phrase that struck me most in this discussion was the ‘friendly God’ - or the ‘philanthropic God’ as the church fathers named their view of God. This is such a contrast to the dark dead end that penal substitution takes us into. I recently heard a sermon where the preacher declared with stentorian severity that we are all born ‘enemies of God’ and that is our state prior to our salvation. Frankly I found that jarring - it just sounded so wrong. But I know that the view is a common one. I don’t think people adopt it deliberately but they are pushed there by the logic of the judicial model of atonement and the harsh, despotic view of God that this entails.</p><p>That is why this talk is so important. Ben takes us into another world that the early church fathers inhabited. They were not ‘soft’ on sin, or on ‘evil’ - but they fundamentally believed that evil was not a substance but a deprivation. Evil was the absence of God and his life, not a toxic rival to God, with some kind of substantial reality to it. If deprivation is the problem, then the solution has to be the presence of God, and of his life. If only God can put on the cloak of humanity, then he can bring life right up close to death - and once he does that, once the life of God confronts death - it will extinguish death just like turning on a light extinguishes darkness and fills a space with light.</p><p>This is the thought world that Ben takes us into with masterful eloquence - and a passionate love for the friendly God who has engineered this beyond-our-wildest-dreams reconciliation or ‘at-one-ment’.</p><p></p><p><p>Gospel Conversations is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.</p></p><p></p> <br/><br/>Get full access to Gospel Conversations at <a href="https://gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=podcast&#38;utm_campaign=CTA_4">gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe</a>
71 MIN
Patristic view of atonement?
AUG 29, 2024
Patristic view of atonement?
<p>This is a talk that I have wanted to bring to Gospel Conversations for ages. Ben Myers is the Director of the Graduate Research School at Alpha Crucis - the large Pentecostal college/university in Sydney. He has a deep background in literature (his PhD was on Milton) and also a rich grasp of the Patristic era. About ten years ago he gave a wonderful talk at a major evangelical conference in Los Angeles in which he introduced the Patristic model of the atonement. It shook everyone up at that conference in a good way - they were tasting a whole new way of thinking about the Cross and the atonement model of the early church fathers. And - surprise, surprise - it was NOT a model of penal substitution. It was not so much that they disagreed with that model, but rather that it did not cross their minds. They were, theologically, altogether elsewhere. </p><p>This is that talk - but split into two parts (this is part one) and delivered as a dialogue between Ben and me (a format which Ben prefers). It is a fitting climax to our series on ‘Cross and Creation’. Ben has the unusual gift of erudition and conciseness so I think many of you will find this most enlightening. </p><p>As a brief postscript, I am starting a second doctorate and Ben will be my supervisor/fellow traveller. In essence I am doing it at my wife’s urging (‘get your ideas down in a disciplined way’) and to take the vision of human creativity that I developed in my first doctorate (on ‘the Two Roads to Truth’) in a business context, and roll them into their theological implications. So Ben and I have a background of some indepth conversations. I will keep you posted on my progress. The broad topic will hover around ‘In an era of Artificial Intelligence, what is unique about humanity and how we think? Towards a theology of ‘rationality’. </p><p>In this dialogue, I clumsily mention a verse in Job about how God longs to keep us, his beloved, from death. I could not recall the reference during the discussion. It was Job 14:14 - 15 “If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my service I would wait, till my renewal should come. You would call, and I would answer you; you would long for the work of your hands.” </p> <br/><br/>Get full access to Gospel Conversations at <a href="https://gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=podcast&#38;utm_campaign=CTA_4">gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe</a>
57 MIN
Maximus and participation; What does 'We become gods' mean?
AUG 13, 2024
Maximus and participation; What does 'We become gods' mean?
<p>This Camino talk captures a great conversation on our walk that began with a great question. Great questions are often the pathway to growth – and this is because they usually lift the lid on a topic that we really don’t understand, but skip over with cliches to cover our ignorance up. Anne is not the kind of person who happily just skips over things… I can remember many years ago when she asked Mark Strom after a sermon of his – “When God so loved the world…what does that mean?  Does he love ALL the world, or just the Christians in it?” </p><p>This time Anne asked me what the idea of ‘participation’ that is so central to Ephesians 1 means.  And let’s face it, Ephesians does not handle <em>participation</em> as if it is some interesting sideshow to salvation – it claims that it is the high point of all God’s purposes. You could not have asked a more important question. </p><p>So this talk is my struggle to answer it – and I think it came together more succinctly than normal because I was walking and talking at the same time.  Time to draw breath and ponder not just blurb stuff out.</p><p><strong>A special request</strong></p><p>Can I raise another issue entirely with you my friends. We have all been blessed by <a target="_blank" href="https://substack.com/@davidbentleyhart">David Bentley Hart</a>’s talks and ideas.  You may or may not know, but David struggles with poor heath, and the latest episode is a crippling neuralgia in his neck that requires some expensive surgery. His insurance has let him down and he has to pay for lots of the surgery which he can’t afford. He is most embarrassed by this – but his dear brother ignored him and set up a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-david-bentley-harts-spinal-surgery-costs">Gofundme</a> page for anyone who might like to help out. Here it is if you would like to do that.</p><p><a target="_blank" href="https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-david-bentley-harts-spinal-surgery-costs">https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-david-bentley-harts-spinal-surgery-costs</a></p> <br/><br/>Get full access to Gospel Conversations at <a href="https://gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=podcast&#38;utm_campaign=CTA_4">gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe</a>
35 MIN
The two way door to reality
JUL 31, 2024
The two way door to reality
<p>Here is the second part of my talk on Jesus as the Two way Door.  The first talk opened up the whole landscape of reality that the Christian message opens up – not just the ‘religious’ experience but the whole experience of how we approach life.</p><p>I went back to Maximus and his picture of how reality is framed by the mind of God, and within the treaty, now the Logos was and is the architect and indeed the template of reality. So as Christians we declare that reality is personal and indeed framed after a Person. There is a mind behind all things, and thus there is love and intention behind all things. Simple but profound truths.</p><p>In this talk I explain two stories from my consulting career where this ‘personal’ scale of thinking made a difference. As far as I know I did not intentionally try to apply to this model to the situation, it just happened naturally and was the way of wisdom. But in both cases it meant I had to swim against the tide and introduce a new way of thinking that was fragile and competing with the dry analytics that prevailed. I am reminded of TS Eliot’s memorable phrase, summarising his views of ordinary people in a bleak evening as they travelled home:</p><p>“I am moved by fancies that move around these images and cling.</p><p>The notion of an infinitely gentle, infinitely suffering thing.”</p><p>I knew then that Eliot was talking about the human spirit, confronted by the indifference of space and time and crowds and itineraries. But I now realise that he was also talking about the spirit of Christ, the logos upholding and suffering with all of our humanness. </p> <br/><br/>Get full access to Gospel Conversations at <a href="https://gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=podcast&#38;utm_campaign=CTA_4">gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe</a>
25 MIN
Jesus as the two-way door - BwJ 26
JUL 10, 2024
Jesus as the two-way door - BwJ 26
<p>We are starting up a new series in Breakfast with Jesus based on conversations that Anne and I enjoyed as we walked some of the famous El Camino trail recently. Let me say that I do not use the word ‘conversation’ lightly. Anne has been my thought partner all our lives together – and in a really productive way. I mean that she brings intuition and experience and truth-telling to our talks – and I tend to be the academic philosophical one. It is a great – and at times tense – interaction!  <br/>In this first talk, I am calling ‘Jesus as the two-way door’.  It began on the third morning of our walk at the now-famous Hotel Akerretta which was featured in the movie ‘The Way’. <br/> <br/>This meditation began as Anne was praying for a young friend of ours. It was ignited by a sudden illumination as she prayed – which I recognised as the Spirit speaking since the thought came from nowhere – there was no cognitive trajectory in my mind that morning. But there was a festering unease to which this sudden illumination spoke. The unease was our religious jargon around “Jesus” which seems to position him as the entrance to a club or religious clique.  And the sudden illumination was ‘Jesus is the door – and two-way door’. I felt like I stepped out of a dark room into the sunlight.<br/>In this talk, I wander into the wondrous world of Maximus the Confessor a little. This foreshadows a later Camino conversation. I also intend to focus more on Maximus by interviewing Jordan Wood who is the current new master of Maximus and has just written a breathtaking book on Maximus called “The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor”.<br/>I can remember David Hart telling me that for all his boundary-stretching thought, Maximus was actually only taking seriously the implications of the oft-repeated NT phrase ‘in Christ’.  <br/>Anyway join us on our walking and talking !! </p><br/><p> </p><br/><p> </p><br/><p> </p> <br/><br/>Get full access to Gospel Conversations at <a href="https://gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=podcast&#38;utm_campaign=CTA_4">gospelconversations.substack.com/subscribe</a>
35 MIN