What Next?

JUL 20, 20233 MIN
Unsocialized: The Homeschool Podcast with Scott Moore

What Next?

JUL 20, 20233 MIN


I’m starting something new. I will write, at least a weekly newsletter, but probably daily or thrice-weekly blog posts. I’m thinking I’ll have a podcast, too. I’ve had a few of my own solo podcasts in the past (The Mastermind Podcast, The Call of Men podcast, and Unsocialized: The Homeschool Podcast). I’m not sure what this new thing will be, though, and I’d like your help. I may be considering cohost candidates for the podcast. I don’t really want to do a solo thing again. But, I’d like your help figuring out what this will become. So, I’m asking, what would you like me to write and/or talk about?

If you think I should just forget the whole business and go sell used refrigerators, I probably won’t like you very much, but, as Bobby Brown said, that’s my prerogative. So, what do you think? What would you like to hear from me?

Here’s what I’m thinking so far. They say, write what you know, but the Fat, Broke, and Old Guy podcast doesn’t feel like it would be very good for my self-esteem. I like movies a lot. Recently, my son and I discussed the possibility of doing a movie podcast. I even ranked the top 150 movies of all time, according to me. I also love music and writing/recording my own songs, but I’m not sure I want to write/talk about music (or movies) all the time. I like talking about faith, culture, and politics, but I’m not sure there’s a strong market for my opinions on all that. I like encouraging families/dads/husbands, especially of the Christian homeschool persuasion. I also like entrepreneur stuff. So, maybe some combination of movies, music, family, faith, homeschooling, and entrepreneur stuff that’s, you know, inspiring and encouraging?

Btw, stand-up comedy is not out of the realm of possibility either.

Again I ask, what do you think? I love you guys and value your opinion. What would you like to hear from me? Thanks!


P.S. If you’re such a big fan/friend that you want to be on my email list no matter what I’m doing, then please send me an email at: [email protected] and I’ll make sure to keep in touch! Thanks again.