Making the Old ’Daily Show’ New, and Making the New Holy

MAR 14, 202446 MIN
Daily Daf Differently: Masechet Chagigah

Making the Old ’Daily Show’ New, and Making the New Holy

MAR 14, 202446 MIN


Jon Stewart’s back, baby! The influential Jewish comic who made ‘The Daily Show’ a cultural juggernaut before leaving in 2015 has returned, for a limited time, to his old seat. Does he have what it takes to make the show, and basic cable, relevant again? Is he the political savior we’ve been waiting for, who will bring us back from the edge of the abyss? Or is everyone just out of new ideas? “The Best Freakin’ Rabbinic Team on the Planet,” Rabbis Knopf and Olitzky, talk about the inherent Jewishness of political comedy, ‘The Daily Show’s place in the pop cultural pantheon, and what Stewart’s return says about where we are — and where we might be going — as a Jewish community and as a society.

Rabbis Michael Knopf and Jesse Olitzky are lifelong friends, pop culture fanboys, and lovers of all things Jewish. Join them every other week for a conversation about what’s going on in pop culture from a Jewish perspective and about Judaism through the lens of pop culture.

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