2023 Showcase: Almelem

OCT 7, 202337 MIN
The Audio Verse Awards Nominee Showcase Podcast

2023 Showcase: Almelem

OCT 7, 202337 MIN


<p>This is Sean Williams, the writer and producer of Almelem, which is a re-imagining of the very beginnings of a new Religious and political movement that became Christianity. This is Episode number 4, titled &quot;The Mother.&quot; In the first three episodes, we met a group of behind-the-scenes political operatives, including Mary Magdalene and Salome, who had been rallying the Jewish people behind John, dubbed &quot;John The Baptist.&quot; Just before this episodes, they&#39;ve decided instead that Jesus should be the leader of the movement. The action &quot;begins with the team worried that their message will fail and brainstorming a new approach. </p> <p>Thank you for listening.&quot;</p> <p>cw: There are characters who are deeply dismissive of religion (both Judaism and nascent Christianity)</p> <p>Transcript can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aIAlYHbeHbXW1svNXLsNJjkxl-FVjJYc/edit?usp=sharing&amp;ouid=118181833416603249719&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true</p> <p><a href="https://www.gideon-media.com/almelem" target="_blank">https://www.gideon-media.com/almelem</a></p> <p>Socials: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/gideonaudio/" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/gideonaudio/</a></p>