The Golden Girls' 1988 Royal Variety Performance with Sari Beliak and Courtney Wahlstrom

JAN 23, 201951 MIN
Thank You for Being a Podcast: The Golden Girls Podcast

The Golden Girls' 1988 Royal Variety Performance with Sari Beliak and Courtney Wahlstrom

JAN 23, 201951 MIN


We watched the Golden Girls' performance for the Queen of England during the 1988 Royal Variety Performance overseas. We gathered round once again and invited, friend of the show, Sari Beliak (@thecrassceiling, The Onion, Reductress) and Courtney Wahlstrom (@bonecrusherqueen, The Bro Show, Big Pine Comedy Festival) the Genevieve's house to talk all about the Golden Girls' visit to the London Palladium Theatre. It was something completely new to us, strange but befitting. It was a great time!!! Listen, follow, more to come! Music by Mike Dennison (@mikd33) and Brian Kokernak (@kokernutz).