In this insightful interview, Anthony Guerra, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of healthsystemsCIO, sits down with Tyson Blauer, Research Director at KLAS, to discuss KLAS’ latest report on Data Archiving 2024: Examining the Complexity and Content of Archive Deployment. Blauer shares his expertise on the evolving landscape of data archiving, particularly in healthcare organizations transitioning from EHR systems like Epic. The discussion delves into the strategic decisions surrounding data archiving versus migration and explores the scope of applications affected, from rev cycle and ERP to specialized healthcare technologies.<br />
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Anthony: Welcome to healthsystemsCIO’s Interview with Tyson Blauer, Research Director at KLAS. I’m Anthony Guerra, Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Tyson, thanks for joining me.<br />
Tyson: Thanks for having me.<br />
Anthony: Great. We’re going to get into one of your new reports, Data Archiving 2024, Examining the Complexity and Content of Archive Deployment. Very interesting report, hot topic. Everybody knows who KLAS is so if you just want to tell me a little bit about your role, maybe some of the things you’ve been covering since you’ve been there.<br />
Tyson: For sure. Great to meet. I’m a research director here at KLAS. I oversee our research around acuity EHRs, behavior health EHRs and interoperability which is a big bucket term. Data archiving is one of those that fits neatly in all of that, where often times it’s EHR decisions that trigger organizations to make this archival move. I’s looking at how they’re storing data and moving things over so it fits into that interoperability bucket. Been here at KLAS for about seven years, doing research around data archiving for about two years now.<br />
Anthony: Very good. What’s the macro stuff going on here with this topic? You said around the EHR, 99% it’s going to be Epic wins, it’s just a question of what you’re getting off of. How much of this is EHR versus other applications?<br />
Tyson: EHR tends to be the big catalyst for a lot of organizations but usually if you’re archiving your EHR, there are other things as well. You’re switching a lot of different systems. Rev cycle is obviously a key piece of that but it’s a whole slew of different solutions that can be archived. What we see for especially larger organizations, usually there’s north of 20 applications that they’re archiving and for some organizations, they have ongoing things where they say ‘yeah, we’re working on this initial set but we’ve got this long backlog of old legacy applications or things that we know we’re going to be moving away from.’<br />
It covers the gamut, and one of the things that you’ll see in the report is there’s a long list of all the different types of technologies, ambulatory EHRs and acuity EHRs were the most popular, but there’s practice management, EHR, lab, ob-gyn, a lot of different technologies that get archived as well.<br />
Anthony: You mentioned rev cycle and ERP is huge. A lot of organizations are doing ERP. They’re going to Workday, pretty much all of them. I’m assuming that has a lot of archiving that goes with it for whatever system you’re getting off of.<br />
Tyson: When you’re doing archiving, it’s interesting because there’s the question of do you archive it or do you migrate it over to the new systems. We definitely did validate a number of organizations doing ERP but not nearly as much as we saw in the EHR realm. I think that’s an interesting thing. But yeah, we definitely do see a lot of change over happening in the ER...

Anthony Guerra

Ability to Hit Timelines Key Factor in Satisfaction With Data Archiving Vendors, Finds KLAS

SEP 16, 202424 MIN

Ability to Hit Timelines Key Factor in Satisfaction With Data Archiving Vendors, Finds KLAS

SEP 16, 202424 MIN


<p>In this insightful interview, Anthony Guerra, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of healthsystemsCIO, sits down with Tyson Blauer, Research Director at KLAS, to discuss KLAS’ latest report on Data Archiving 2024: Examining the Complexity and Content of Archive Deployment. Blauer shares his expertise on the evolving landscape of data archiving, particularly in healthcare organizations transitioning from EHR [&#8230;]</p> <p>Source: <a href="">Ability to Hit Timelines Key Factor in Satisfaction With Data Archiving Vendors, Finds KLAS</a> on <a href=""> - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.</a></p>