In this interview, Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics at University Hospitals of Cleveland, provides insight into her role overseeing radiology informatics and enterprise imaging. She explains the scale of imaging operations across 13 regional medical centers, 40+ ambulatory locations, and her team&#8217;s responsibility for managing over 1.5 million radiology exams and 2 million enterprise imaging exams annually. Rosipko highlights the collaborative work with IT teams across different specialties and how her team focuses on the long-term storage of medical images in a centralized system.<br />
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Anthony: Welcome to healthsystemsCIO’s Interview with Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics at University Hospitals of Cleveland. I’m Anthony Guerra, Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Beverly, thanks for joining me.<br />
Beverly: Thanks for having me.<br />
Anthony: Very good. Beverly, do you want to start off by telling me a little bit about your organization and role?<br />
Beverly: University Hospitals covers northeastern Ohio and we have 13 regional medical centers, our main campus in Cleveland, Ohio and 40+ ambulatory locations. Imaging wise, we perform roughly 1.5 million exams in radiology. For Enterprise Imaging, we’re upwards 2 million exams annually.<br />
My role, I’m the Director for Radiology Informatics, that does include Enterprise Imaging when it comes to the storage and the image links presented out to the various systems for images from cardiology, vascular, GI, Digital Pathology, point of care ultrasounds, any type of medical imaging, we really try to keep them in a centralized system. I like to call it our EMR for images because it’s our central repository for those images.<br />
Anthony: Very good. You mentioned 1.5 million in radiology, 2 million overall, again, we’re just talking general numbers here. That’s about half a million images that are outside of radiology and you mentioned a number of the areas where those 500,000 are taking place, correct?<br />
Beverly: Correct.<br />
Anthony: That’s basically what’s going on in the health systems and you are also in charge, to a certain degree, of those other 500,000, even though your title is Radiology Informatics. You also said you have overview of what’s going on with the rest of them.<br />
Beverly: Sure. Me and my team, we work very collaboratively with those IT teams that are the main supporters for let’s say cardiology. We work very closely with them. We’re responsible for the oversight and management of the enterprise imaging system, where those images are stored long term.<br />
There’s front end application sometimes like in cardiology, they leverage a front end system where the physicians are viewing them, reporting on them, but they’re not stored long term there. They’re locally there for a certain timeframe but ultimately, they are stored into the enterprise image management system. We’re not responsible for anything on the front end, we’re essentially responsible for the system on the back end where they’re stored long term. We work very closely with those teams. They’re really the experts in that area but then we’re the experts with the enterprise image application system.<br />
Anthony: It’s fascinating, the different specialties. Does every specialty that you mentioned do quite a bit of imaging, do they all have embedded informaticists like yourself, each of the -ologies would have counterparts to your position?<br />
Beverly: Not within the department. We’re structured a little bit differently.

Anthony Guerra

Standardizing on One Enterprise Imaging System Yields Tremendous Benefits, Says Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics, University Hospitals of Cleveland

SEP 24, 202430 MIN

Standardizing on One Enterprise Imaging System Yields Tremendous Benefits, Says Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics, University Hospitals of Cleveland

SEP 24, 202430 MIN


<p>In this interview, Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics at University Hospitals of Cleveland, provides insight into her role overseeing radiology informatics and enterprise imaging. She explains the scale of imaging operations across 13 regional medical centers, 40+ ambulatory locations, and her team&#8217;s responsibility for managing over 1.5 million radiology exams and 2 million enterprise [&#8230;]</p> <p>Source: <a href="">Standardizing on One Enterprise Imaging System Yields Tremendous Benefits, Says Beverly Rosipko, Director of Radiology Informatics, University Hospitals of Cleveland</a> on <a href=""> - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.</a></p>