Originally aired on January 27, 2015.

TWTM on RiotRadio.ca

This week: I speak to TWTM's official medical expert and healthcare consultant, Dr. P. Breakdown Deflate-Gate and all the other headlines from the past week. I also award the YDRMVP to the newsmaker of the week. 

Find the online at fb.co/twtm.durham and on twitter @TWTMDurham. 



Shane O'Neill

TWTM Series 2 Episode 2

JAN 30, 201538 MIN

TWTM Series 2 Episode 2

JAN 30, 201538 MIN


Originally aired on January 27, 2015. TWTM on RiotRadio.ca This week: I speak to TWTM's official medical expert and healthcare consultant, Dr. P. Breakdown Deflate-Gate and all the other headlines from the past week. I also award the YDRMVP to the newsmaker of the week. Find the online at fb.co/twtm.durham and on twitter @TWTMDurham. Enjoy!