Lessons Learned in Haiti: Why Donor Support Is Essential to Long-term Recovery After Disasters

MAY 2, 202332 MIN
Caring and Funding Podcast powered by CAF America

Lessons Learned in Haiti: Why Donor Support Is Essential to Long-term Recovery After Disasters

MAY 2, 202332 MIN


<p>In this episode of<a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cafamerica"> the Caring and Funding Podcast</a>, CAF America’s President &amp; CEO, Ted Hart is joined by Hope for Haiti’s CEO, Skyler Badenoch to share his organization’s experiences in providing disaster relief after the 2010 and 2021 earthquakes, and explore the topics of: </p> <ul> <li><p>Best practices in disaster response and lessons learned from the 2010 earthquake,</p> </li> <li><p>The importance of long-term recovery and resilience-building, and </p> </li> <li><p>Why it is important for donors to consider these long-lasting efforts in their disaster response planning.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>About Hope for Haiti: </strong>Hope for Haiti, one of CAF America’s grantee partners, is a trusted nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of life for the Haitian people, particularly children, in southern Haiti. Their team and network of partners provide people with better access to education, healthcare, water, and economic development opportunities. Learn more about Hope for Haiti on their website, https://hopeforhaiti.com/.</p> <p><strong>—</strong></p> <p>Stay up to date with CAF America at https://www.cafamerica.org/subscribe/.</p> <ul> <p><br></p> </ul>