Tonight, Redshift reaches deep into the archives of Apex Magazine to bring you a story of a terrifying illness spreading around the world. A scientist and a cop work together to solve the mystery of Fungal Gardens by Ekaterina Sedia.


Fancy Pants Gangsters - The Redshift cast

Season 4 Episode 2 – Fungal Gardens by Ekaterina Sedia

JUL 3, 201821 MIN

Season 4 Episode 2 – Fungal Gardens by Ekaterina Sedia

JUL 3, 201821 MIN


<p>Tonight, Redshift reaches deep into the archives of Apex Magazine to bring you a story of a terrifying illness spreading around the world. A scientist and a cop work together to solve the mystery of Fungal Gardens by Ekaterina Sedia.</p> The post <a href="">Season 4 Episode 2 – Fungal Gardens by Ekaterina Sedia</a> first appeared on <a href="">Fancy Pants Gangsters</a>.