The Liminalist 300: Soul Matters

JUL 4, 2023119 MIN
The Liminalist: The Podcast Between

The Liminalist 300: Soul Matters

JUL 4, 2023119 MIN


The last Liminalist podcast coincides with Independence Day and is an edited audio from the most recent Land Made Man online meet-up, “Getting Your Soul Back Into Your Body = Getting Your Body Back to the Land.” Talking with reader-listeners Richard and Lawrence, on how working towards physical survival outside of a satanic system is synonymous with the spiritual quest of saving the soul.

Ancestral grooves, traditions, and the Satanic pseudo-groove. Why are we in Hell? How did we get here? Hell’s attractions. Obeying the Law of Matter. When matter pushes back, becoming embodied by struggling with matter, the binaries of good and evil, the Garden of Eden, Second Matrix, back to the original binary system of male and female, the soul’s view of the body & the body’s view of the soul, what makes matter matter, the unreality of reality, the fraudulence of simulation theory, the law of the soul, D.I.D., a culture of imaginary selves, the transgender zone, the ought and the is, mainstream occultism, what the soul wants, what the body is, Prince of Matter, the problem of spiritual practices, spiritual attainment as a side effect and not a goal, the trick of rejecting the body & mind-identification, why people die in the wilderness of shame, everything is Nature, Jasun’s thrift store journey, becoming fully rounded, moving countries and the false fear of change, Jasun’s move to Mexico, escaping Hell, fears for loved ones in the Apocalypse, leaving souls in hell, facing the reality of our predicament, what others can’t and won’t see about society, life under attack, Jasun’s move to Morocco, leaving everything behind & being supported by existence.

For more info about online meet-ups go here, and/or email me.

Songs: “This is the End,” by Nickel Eye, “Sweet Disaster and “Die Alone” by Whitehorse; “Blood Moon” by Federale; “Never-Ending Nightmare” by Big Blood.

Here endeth The Liminalist.

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