Sacred Truths - Natural Health And Beyond
Sacred Truths - Natural Health And Beyond

Sacred Truths - Natural Health And Beyond

Aaron & Leslie Kenton



Sacred Truth - Natural health and beyond will cover all aspect of natural health. From nutrition, natural remedies, herbs, organic recipes, natural supplements, tips for health living and much much more. We will give you the tools, techniques, information and inspiration to help you come in touch with the bliss that is your birthright and connect with your innate power for radiant well being, self-trust and personal freedom. The more you come to live your life from your own core, with genuine respect for your unique sense of truth the greater are the gifts you receive from the Universe—gifts so powerful they can even transform the world. Leslie Kenton can genuinely be described as pioneering and visionary,” says London’s Time Out. Author of more than three dozen books on health, and spirituality, Leslie is an award winning writer, novelist, teacher and broadcaster. Highly respected for her hard-hitting, no-nonsense, research and reporting.

Recent Episodes

ozone therapy - a powerhouse for healing
DEC 7, 2022
ozone therapy - a powerhouse for healing
In this episode of the Cura podcast I speak with Gemma about ozone therapy. More specifically the HOCATT. Which is a very powerful ozone sauna. This particular sauna makes use of many different healing modalities within a single session. I have personally used one for close to 3 years. I have been amazed at the power it has for healing the body. But most importantly of just how non-invasive it is. I personally have been a big fan of ozone therapy and have used it in almost every way possible for about 20 years. This has included such techniques as intravenous. A method that was taught to me by two separate doctors. The method of utilising intravenous ozone is very safe providing you know what you’re doing and you are under the guidance of an experienced ozone doctor or health care practitioner. Having said that anything that is that invasive I do not feel is necessary with the exception of life threatening circumstances. I personally have been very grateful for intravenous ozone as it has made significant improvements in some health issues that I was struggling to overcome in my early twenties. But I have used it rarely which is why I was so grateful to find this particular ozone sauna. From my experience it is as powerful as intravenous ozone without ever having to be invasive to the body. Now I personally have many concerns about the company that makes this particular product but nevertheless the device is very profound in its healing ability. So in this episode Gemma and I speak in detail about the different modalities that are offered within this unit and how it can be supportive for individual health, to restore vitality and to really help the body to clear out bacteria and toxicity with relative grace and ease. There is a lot of fear around ozone and ozone therapy. Most of it is unnecessary and can make people shy away from its simple and clean way to super oxygenate the body. I hope this episode will help people have a better understanding of ozone therapy and what it might be able to offer as an alternative support for restoring balance and helping each one of us to thrive in a somewhat toxic world.
25 MIN
what is the re:focus program? a deep dive into holistic healing
DEC 6, 2022
what is the re:focus program? a deep dive into holistic healing
This week Gemma McDonnell and I go into a deep dive about what the refocus program (which is the collaboration between her work and Cura Romana) is all about. We speak in depth about the nature of healing. The role that patterns and traumas play in both the healing process and the physical symptoms that often express themselves through these unresolved conflicts we often carry within our body. This episode is well worth listening to even if you’re not considering looking further at the refocus program but simply wanting to learn more about the power that you have and your body has to heal itself. This is a beautiful and surprising process that I continue to be in awe of. I hope you enjoy. Focus health offers an integrated, collaborative care approach to health care. We believe in order to heal, the body must be balanced in every way-mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This approach has come about through years of working with clients. Using various methodologies we have come to the realisation that there are common thread’s affecting one’s health. In order to give the body the best opportunity to heal we must detoxify both our bodies and our minds. We have spent collective years gathering the tools and knowledge and more recently the technology needed to achieve this. The ReFocus program is an holistic approach uniquely designed to help you address your health and emotional challenges. The program is made up of 10 dedicated one-on-one sessions delivered over a 5 day period. These sessions include extensive testing through kinesiology, homeopathy and followed by a nine week detoxification plan. In addition, to ensure maximum benefit and to help better support your body we utilise specialised detoxification technologies, unique and only available in the Irish market through Focus Health. Importantly, focus will be put on identifying and clearing emotional triggers and stressors that are a huge part to everyone’s optimal health.
36 MIN
Sacred Truth Ep. 77: Truth About Fluoridation
NOV 9, 2016
Sacred Truth Ep. 77: Truth About Fluoridation
The misrepresentations and ignorance surrounding arguments about fluoridation never cease to amaze me. Let me share with you a few of them: There is still a common belief that countries which fluoridate water have less tooth decay than non-fluoridated countries. This is completely untrue. Yes US with its fluoridated water did experience a big decline in tooth decay in the past 60 years. But the same decline in tooth decay took place in European countries and other in developed countries which had no fluoridation. The World Health Organization has made clear that there is no difference in decay between the small number of developed countries that do fluoridate their water and the majority that do not. In truth the majority of developed countries do not fluoridate their water. Actually, more people drink fluoridated water in the US alone than in the rest of the world combined. In Western Europe 97% of the population drinks water with no fluoride added to it. What few people know is that fluoride affect many parts of the body besides the teeth. It has the ability to interfere with the functions of your brain for instance. Studies conducted in China have shown quite clearly that fluoride lowers the intellectual abilities of people. You see fluoride disrupts our endocrine system. There is even recent research that shows fluoride can increase the severity of many kinds of diabetes. And since diabetes became widespread in the last 40 years this is something to be taken seriously. It has long been known by those informed that being exposed to fluoride interferes with good thyroid function. There is even a lot of information about how fluoride can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. All of these important pieces of information come from the national research Council in the United States who did a scientific review of of the effects of drinking fluoride in water.
-1 MIN