Shut It Down, The Bar Rescue Recap Show on Radio Misfits
Shut It Down, The Bar Rescue Recap Show on Radio Misfits

Shut It Down, The Bar Rescue Recap Show on Radio Misfits

Jim Search and Max Cohen



If you’re a fan of Bar Rescue and want to know what happened on past and present episodes, look no further than Jim Search(@jimsearch) and Max Cohen(@thisismaxcohen)! These comedians are trained experts in watching Bar Rescue and will bring you the heavily involved details as only they can. SHUT IT DOWN! Reach out to them at and on Twitter at @shutitdownrecap.

Recent Episodes

Shut It Down – Vic Vegas Interview
NOV 27, 2019
Shut It Down – Vic Vegas Interview

Taffertins! We got a special treat for you…it’s not a regular recap episode. It’s an interview with Vic Vegas, Bar Rescue expert! (IG: @chefvicvegas) That’s right y’all…an exclusive talk with the amazing chef himself. And get this…we talked to Vic, while he was getting a tattoo! Crazy! We go over his story, how he linked up with Jon and even his dogs. You don’t wanna miss this one! [EP152]

49 MIN