<description>&lt;p&gt;David Gornoski is joined by Anthony Sabatini who comments on his &lt;a href= "https://x.com/AnthonySabatini/status/1769736388662927665?s=20"&gt;lawsuit&lt;/a&gt; against Polk County School Board for allowing "inappropriate books with obscene and illegal sexual content in violation of Florida law." Would the banning of inappropriate books from schools force the banning of the Bible as well? Why are these kinds of books being introduced into schools? What kind of foreign aid is acceptable? Should we be concerned about Haiti?&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Visit &lt;a href= "https://aneighborschoice.com"&gt;aneighborschoice.com&lt;/a&gt; for more&lt;/p&gt;</description>

David Gornoski

David Gornoski

Anthony Sabatini on His Lawsuit Against Polk County School Board

MAR 18, 202430 MIN
David Gornoski

Anthony Sabatini on His Lawsuit Against Polk County School Board

MAR 18, 202430 MIN


David Gornoski is joined by Anthony Sabatini who comments on his lawsuit against Polk County School Board for allowing "inappropriate books with obscene and illegal sexual content in violation of Florida law." Would the banning of inappropriate books from schools force the banning of the Bible as well? Why are these kinds of books being introduced into schools? What kind of foreign aid is acceptable? Should we be concerned about Haiti?

Visit aneighborschoice.com for more