Ryan Sprague
When I think about one of the absolute best ways to move energy, engage in the practice of health & shift your physiological state into one that is flooded with neurotransmitters such as dopamine & seratonin, no methodology comes to mind & heart quicker than that of movement. Movement allows our emotions to act as what they truly are, energy in motion. Through our movements, we can create a masterpiece of self love that transcends any of the lower vibrational states we may be feeling before we begin & in this regard, it truly is a human super power. Today’s guest on the show is an expert in not just movement, but being able to create art out of his movement with his perfect balance of structure & going with the flow. He is a master instructor of Movnat, which is a practice based on moving in the primal, natural ways that humans have interacted with since the dawn of time in order to create harmony in all planes of movement within the physical body, is an all star content creator, having created products such as his Movement Life app, which has helped over 5000 high performers build an athletic physique, reduce chronic pain & move better for increased performance & quality of life all in the comfort of their own homes & on their own schedules & is an individual who’s passion for human body optimization is infectious & inspiring to all of those that are fortunate enough to work with him & call him their friend & family.
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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