MMM: Making Movies with Mattia
MMM: Making Movies with Mattia

MMM: Making Movies with Mattia

Mattia Capasso



A Podcast about the video entertainment industry (Film, TV, commercial, music video, etc.) and the people who work on it, all from the eyes and ears of an Italian and London based person who wants to grow in the film industry. Each episode is hosting every kind of cast and crew from all backgrounds and departments, where our conversations do not only make our audience feel inspired but also entertain. You can find my podcast also on my website: If you want to get in touch, find me on the contact page:

Recent Episodes

#Ep. 17: Andrea Osvart – Actress & Actors Coach
AUG 26, 2022
#Ep. 17: Andrea Osvart – Actress & Actors Coach

Ciao People,

In this episode, I introduce Andrea, an established actress who works for Italian, Hungarian, German and American productions.

With more than 20 years of experience as an Actress, she describes the differences between working in a European to an American film.

She tells the difficulty that actors face, in a competitive and stressful industry that pushes newcomers into desperate situations like being criticized or being cut from scenes. 

Now she's also working as a Coach, where she hosts programs to help Actors succeed in entertainment through conscious choices, motivations and managing their resources effectively.

Thank you and enjoy!

This episode can be found also in the following link:


Andrea Osvart's Links:

Website -

Facebook profile -

Facebook Coaching Page -

Instagram -

Linkedin -


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56 MIN