Candice Langford
HPV & Cervical Screening, Dr Aziza Sesay
If you have a cervix or if you know someone with a cervix, actually, anyone and everyone should listen to this!
Cervical cancer is one of THE most preventable cancers! 99.8% preventable!
So lets make sure that you are equipped with a foundation of knowledge from NHS doctor Aziza Sesay, @talkswithdrsesay
We discuss; HPV, Cervical Screening and Cancer. What it is, how it is contracted, how to screen, when to screen and what comes next!
I believe that everyone (not just those with a cervix) will benefit from this episode!
Todays Guest:
Dr. Aziza Sesay is an NHS GP with a passion for health education, awareness, advocacy and empowerment. She channels this through her platform @talkswithdrsesay where she shares short informative videos, infographics, live discussions and tips on a variety of topics including women’s health, cancer awareness, mental health and health inequity.
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Additional info re. PAP vs HPV screening.
”The new cervical screening test procedure is similar to a Pap smear test. For both tests a doctor or nurse takes a sample of cells from the cervix. However, the Pap smear test used to look for abnormal cells in the cervix, while the cervical screening test looks for HPV infection. The new test for HPV can identify women who could be at risk of cervical cancer earlier than the Pap test could.”
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Disclaimer: Material and content discussed on the Nurture Pod are intended for general information only and should not be substituted for medical advice
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