Candice Langford
Prolapse in Parenthood, Clare Bourne
Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a diagnosis often accompanied by fear! Clare is changing this by normalising the narrative and sharing valuable information enriched by personal and clinical experience.
If you are a parent (or not, as this is NOT a diagnosis limited to postpartum) and the topic of prolapse impacts your daily life, be it; talk of a pregnancy, exercise, heavy lifting, intimacy …We discuss it all!
Todays Guest:
Clare Bourne is a pelvic health physiotherapist with a passion to support women and men throughout their lives. She believes in talking openly about taboo topics and ensuring everyone feels comfortable to get support even for problems that may feel embarrassing to talk about. She worked extensively in the NHS before starting up her own private practice. She is a Mum of 2 and has learnt first hand the importance of care and support during the perinatal period. Clare is the founder of All About Mum which provides postnatal education cards, webinars and ebooks to support women with all the information they deserve.
IG: @clarebournephysio
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Disclaimer: Material and content discussed on the Nurture Pod are intended for general information only and should not be substituted for medical advice
Thank you and as always, stay curious!