[email protected] (Alie Ward)
I’m at the airport and there are hundreds of brain scientists everywhere. So I swallowed my dignity/anxiety and approached strangers about the neuroscience they do. The result is a bushel of info on cravings, sleep, consciousness, addiction, dopamine, monogamy, Ozempic, toxins in your brain and so much more with: Georgia Kirkpatrick, Isabella Montana, Dr. Marissa Co, Chancey Garrett, Noah Millman, Pique Choi, Dr. Barbara Sorg and Elizabeth Plunk. Oops, we just made a bunch of new friends. All thanks to poster tubes, a.k.a: nerdurdurs.
A donation went to the Society for Neuroscience at SFN.org
More episode sources and links
Other episodes you may enjoy: Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS + TRAIN DERAILMENT), Urban Rodentology (SEWER RATS), Chronobiology (CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS), Somnology (SLEEP), Traumatology (PTSD), Addictionology (ADDICTION), Oneirology (DREAMS), Personality Psychology (PERSONALITIES), Discard Anthropology (GARBAGE), Conservation Technology (EARTH SAVING), Forensic Ecology (NATURE DETECTIVE), Oceanology (OCEANS), Environmental Microbiology (TESTING WASTEWATER)
Transcripts and bleeped episodes
Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes
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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media
Transcripts by Emily White of The Wordary
Website by Kelly R. Dwyer
Theme song by Nick Thorburn