Episode 221:    

Welcome to this week's show. Today we remember Jim Zimmer from Benchmark Investigations in California. Jim tragically suffered an injury in early May that left him incapacitated. On June 2nd , Jim lost his battle trying to recover. Today Eddie Ajaeb is back to remember Jim and discuss some of the legislative issues that NCISS has been working on. Legislation was Jim’s passion and we want to dedicate this episode to his memory. You can honor Jim by visiting NCISS.org and making a regular donation. The message boards have been full of tributes and you can see how he has affected our industry in a positive light. Let's welcome Eddie Ajaeb and your host, Private Investigator, Matt Spaier.

Matt’s email: MatthewS@Satellitepi.com  
Linkedin: Matthew Spaier    

Eddie on Linkedin: Edward Ajaeb
Eddie email: EA@nighthawkstrategies.com

PI-Perspectives Youtube link: 





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https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/about - (212) 384-1000

PI Perspectives

Matthew Spaier

Remembering Jim Zimmer and National Legislative Updates

JUN 10, 202446 MIN
PI Perspectives

Remembering Jim Zimmer and National Legislative Updates

JUN 10, 202446 MIN


Episode 221:     Welcome to this week's show. Today we remember Jim Zimmer from Benchmark Investigations in California. Jim tragically suffered an injury in early May that left him incapacitated. On June 2nd , Jim lost his battle trying to recover. Today Eddie Ajaeb is back to remember Jim and discuss some of the legislative issues that NCISS has been working on. Legislation was Jim’s passion and we want to dedicate this episode to his memory. You can honor Jim by visiting NCISS.org and making a regular donation. The message boards have been full of tributes and you can see how he has affected our industry in a positive light. Let's welcome Eddie Ajaeb and your host, Private Investigator, Matt Spaier.  Links:      Matt’s email: [email protected]   Linkedin: Matthew Spaier       www.investigators-toolbox.com   Eddie on Linkedin: Edward Ajaeb Eddie email: [email protected]
 PI-Perspectives Youtube link:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYB3MaUg8k5w3k7UuvT6s0g Sponsors:     https://piinstitute.com/ https://pi-perspectivesinsurance.com/ https://www.trackops.com/ https://www.skopenow.com https://www.nciss.org/ FBI Tip Line https://tips.fbi.gov/home https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/about - (212) 384-1000