This week, in Oak Park, Illinois, a wild tale unfolds when woman is brutally murdered, in her apartment, leaving detectives with very few clues, until a bible college student neighbor comes forward with a story. He recalls having a vivid dream about the murder, at the exact time the murder was taking place. His dream is complete with some uncanny details that perfectly match the crime scene, including a symbolic position of the body. Is he the real killer? 

Along the way, we find out that a town's 50th festival should have better bands, that if you dream of murder, maybe keep it to yourself, and that DNA is a fantastic thing, when used correctly!!

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Small Town Murder

James Pietragallo, Jimmie Whisman

#553 - Dreaming Of Murder - Oak Park, Illinois

DEC 19, 2024173 MIN
Small Town Murder

#553 - Dreaming Of Murder - Oak Park, Illinois

DEC 19, 2024173 MIN


This week, in Oak Park, Illinois, a wild tale unfolds when woman is brutally murdered, in her apartment, leaving detectives with very few clues, until a bible college student neighbor comes forward with a story. He recalls having a vivid dream about the murder, at the exact time the murder was taking place. His dream is complete with some uncanny details that perfectly match the crime scene, including a symbolic position of the body. Is he the real killer?

Along the way, we find out that a town's 50th festival should have better bands, that if you dream of murder, maybe keep it to yourself, and that DNA is a fantastic thing, when used correctly!!

New episodes every Thursday!

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Go to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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