EB#18 - Endings and Beginnings
<p>In this, the first episode of Expedition: Buster, I talk about the reason for the podcast’s name change. I also talk about</p>
<li>Relationship Changes</li>
<li>High School Ruinion</li>
<p>Please excuse the graphics and sound design in this episode, it is still under construction. They will change a little in the future.</p>
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<h2>Podcasting 2.0</h2>
<p>Expedition: Buster proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard.</p>
<p>Expedition: Buster is powered by <a href="https://castopod.org"><strong>Castopod</strong></a>, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform.</p>
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<h2>Value For Value</h2>
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