<description>&lt;p&gt;F.A.R.T. #51 reunion on the Fakeologist.com livestream chat on the 20th February 2021. Members in the Discord channel: Rollo, GoldenSkidmark, exoterick, Velocet, Sarah, Fakeologist, John Le Bon, Frank.&lt;/p&gt;

The F.A.R.T. Podcast


20th Feb 2021 Fakeologist, REUNION!

FEB 20, 2021133 MIN
The F.A.R.T. Podcast

20th Feb 2021 Fakeologist, REUNION!

FEB 20, 2021133 MIN


<p>F.A.R.T. #51 reunion on the Fakeologist.com livestream chat on the 20th February 2021. Members in the Discord channel: Rollo, GoldenSkidmark, exoterick, Velocet, Sarah, Fakeologist, John Le Bon, Frank.</p>