Procrastination and Marketing Your Recruitment Company

MAY 20, 20246 MIN
Podcast Archives - Superfast Recruitment

Procrastination and Marketing Your Recruitment Company

MAY 20, 20246 MIN


Today’s topic of conversation is that uncomfortable one we often avoid: procrastination. Be honest with yourself.
How much do you or have you been procrastinating?
How much do you or have you been procrastinating around your marketing?
I find there are a couple of areas that come up, and they are reasons people use not to grab the bull by the horns and get on with marketing; they are:

Reasons to Procrastinate

“I wish we had more hours in a day!” We don’t. We have 24. So, we need to think about how we use and invest our time; the second one is the comment: I feel overwhelmed.
Let’s face it: marketing is a massive topic. You can do many things, such as researching what works in recruitment, where to start, and a host of other questions. Let’s start with time.

Time as a Reason To Procrastinate

So let me take time as the first reason because we can’t escape it. There are just 24 hours in a day. And yet, so many of us spend half our time talking about how busy, busy, busy, busy we are. Having spent thousands over the years, if not tens of thousands, on lots of different mentoring programmes, I know I can no longer get away with using time as an excuse!
For me, it’s about knuckling down and doing the work. When I hear that little voice coming up with the “I haven’t got time” reason, I ask myself, “How important is this to how we are going to move our business forward?”

And if this is important, it’s about making the time.

So, sometimes I hear people say, “Well, I’m not going to start my marketing until I’ve got more time, or I’ve done this, or I’ve done that.” And yet they’re struggling to do those other things because they haven’t got time.

What I would say to you is when you’re sat down, probably at night, and that thing pops up on Facebook that tells you how long every day you are doing some casual surfing, often for many people, certainly in the kind of circle that we’re in, it can be anything from an hour to two hours.

Over a week, even if we take Monday to Friday, that is between 5 and 10 hours. What if you committed to 30 minutes or a maximum of an hour of surfing time?
That gives you five hours potentially a week back to use and invest in moving your marketing forward. So, think about how you are investing time and how you can make different choices around making a good investment. Hint: This was one of the reasons we created Superfast Circle with all its resources to save our clients’ time.

Feeling Overwhelmed as a Reason to Procrastinate

The second is the big topic of overwhelm, and this applies to people perhaps who’ve never done marketing before. Yet you’ve been doing lots of research about what you could be doing, and you just don’t know, genuinely, where to start, and you are looking for some help to point you in the right direction.
You could be somebody who’s been implementing some different marketing activities. You’re not very happy with it. It’s not been working how you want. You’re not quite sure what to do next.
So again, there’s that overwhelm feeling. And so, what do you do? You procrastinate because you don’t know where to start.

Well, rather than procrastinating, take some action.

Talk to somebody, somebody like us. Have a conversation with us about where should you start.



How We Can Help You Stop Procrastination

We have multiple strategies that work, including making marketing easy for you, which eliminates the time issue and the impact of feeling overwhelmed.
If you want to find out how this could work for you, book a call with us here.