<description>&lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; As a small business owner, do you ever find yourself thinking or feeling:&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;ul class="x1e56ztr x1xmf6yo x1xfsgkm xtaz4m5"&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; You don't have what it takes to make this business work&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; Guilty asking for money or a certain level of payment. You just want to provide your service and not worry about charging.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; Resistant to raising your rates to match the value you provide&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; You hate selling&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; When you do surpass your financial goals, you don't give yourself credit or celebrate&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; Those are just some of the mindsets &lt;a class= "x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz xt0b8zv x1fey0fg xo1l8bm" tabindex="0" role="link" href= "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1298947833812727/user/1316592843/?__cft__[0]=AZUnkEdmfy7E9ZPrSFa79Y_6sTna0_GpE0XPsoV9tx3kzaSXwgBZeJ5B3Aq23Oh4hfm0PTL7rGm_mU8HZA_GtWtvAhGoarl3CQpigRlGwVCQ9I04W2Y_-8l8OCPmAc0sFJN9l11_9SBZx9M9Diw_BZPPieLVNyUKZGztGEEVGzxpKwomiPN1aUkQS3__AG37t9NfnuN8CGk6LiQukE--30DsULYicYlgltZH8xtIf8aFug&amp;__tn__=-]K-R"&gt; &lt;span class="xt0psk2"&gt;Christine Mathieu&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; discusses the importance of overcoming on this call.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; &lt;br /&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt;Curious what Money Type you currently embody? (I loved this archetype discussion!) Take the money type quiz here: &lt;a class= "x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz xt0b8zv x1fey0fg" tabindex="0" role="link" href= "https://www.noteadvisor.com/the-money-types-quiz/?fbclid=IwAR07Gsawuy2jyEBWyswwIo5ecbDBAnEOzHjoA6aGdvDrrALgPbTgznToW5A" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener noreferrer"&gt;https://www.noteadvisor.com/the-money-types-quiz/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; Give this a watch, think about your own money mindset and reach out to Christine if you'd like support: &lt;a href= "mailto:christine@noteadvisor.com"&gt;christine@noteadvisor.com&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="x1e56ztr"&gt;&lt;span class= "x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs xlh3980 xvmahel x1n0sxbx x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"&gt; As always, if you're looking for streamlined strategic growth in your business, visit my website, &lt;a class= "x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz xt0b8zv x1fey0fg" tabindex="0" role="link" href= "https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fscatteredtostreamlined.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1hPp8mhc_Kku9ebaSLCEA9A1iRUTIVeqZWJKEE6pgPfiZg0QAG0nxvwJM&amp;h=AT21d58lVjGxDKGmHCRyeOBSnQoGV085E2TUmb8OKMs09JIaDtDeIIdnz5QzJyQ-e-ILSigBjy6QS5yBlGGiUW4PRlkhvBhdEx0XyRqkQPhTiS9yuKn0ZdgxyNJfz3eevLuKeuE&amp;__tn__=-UK-R&amp;c[0]=AT26Zy5psyyw2ZON0sdgLng3RHnNv_8um1dLIHc9gfyB8nXx7QhcvZiPX74PPQ5d6v9PI4wlzkFYJ-h_iqQy0Klm0c9tbs07ECZNdy0sN1NCMuy2_IhNzE15NLRY8DDzdUUGJkT4CK384H1SsvWbOUUcrdPJcCYvG8yKTe1UYxnv0Jii_yfKICHxejSfrt-Lv-bbyBvfwH0IUczNf54Njb4t474NpBJgfatCJiRFEkpq9BBmSrjPmFfbHYmeQ-_9y6E" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener noreferrer"&gt;https://scatteredtostreamlined.com/&lt;/a&gt; You can download a free copy of my Maximize Your Profits guide right on the home page.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</description>

Small Biz 101 Podcast

Connie Whitesell - Business Planner, Strategist, Coach

Money Moves: Unlocking Business Growth and Financial Freedom - SB024

MAR 13, 202440 MIN
Small Biz 101 Podcast

Money Moves: Unlocking Business Growth and Financial Freedom - SB024

MAR 13, 202440 MIN


As a small business owner, do you ever find yourself thinking or feeling:  
  • You don't have what it takes to make this business work
  • Guilty asking for money or a certain level of payment. You just want to provide your service and not worry about charging.
  • Resistant to raising your rates to match the value you provide
  • You hate selling
  • When you do surpass your financial goals, you don't give yourself credit or celebrate
  Those are just some of the mindsets Christine Mathieu discusses the importance of overcoming on this call.   Curious what Money Type you currently embody? (I loved this archetype discussion!) Take the money type quiz here: https://www.noteadvisor.com/the-money-types-quiz/     Give this a watch, think about your own money mindset and reach out to Christine if you'd like support: [email protected]     As always, if you're looking for streamlined strategic growth in your business, visit my website, https://scatteredtostreamlined.com/ You can download a free copy of my Maximize Your Profits guide right on the home page.