Kings and Priests - 1

JUN 1, 202499 MIN
Build with Hari Rao

Kings and Priests - 1

JUN 1, 202499 MIN


<p>God’s eternal purpose was not just to change your destination but to transform your identity. When all the work on earth is done, your earthly titles will be suspended. The only everlasting identity is that you are a son within the Son. This truth should not just be intellectual knowledge but a personal revelation that resonates in your heart. Prophet Hari is taking us on a journey to discover and unearth our identity and ranking in Christ.   <br>Every believer must renew their mind and transition from being sin-conscious to being Son-conscious. If God&#39;s sole intention was to take us to heaven, He would have created Adam in heaven and enjoyed His creation there. Child of God, there is something greater that God intends to accomplish.<br>Revelation 1:5–6 boldly declares that we are kings and priests unto God. Adam was the first priest-king, setting the precedent. Melchizedek, Abraham, David, and Solomon also functioned in these two offices. Christ, the ultimate King and High Priest, enables us to enter this divine calling. We cannot become priests or kings by our own order, but only by being grafted into Jesus.<br><br><strong>Your function as a priest of God:</strong><br>1.  Point of intersection:<br>In the Old Testament, a priest&#39;s primary role was to mediate between God and man. Priests had the privilege of exiting the camp of man and entering God&#39;s camp, touching the invisible and making it visible by God&#39;s calling. They were the intersection where two realms met; they knew what it was to be human and to meet God. Now, through Jesus, you have become the point of intersection—a mediator and intercessor for your family. Wherever you are, heaven can collide with earth; you are the outlet for God, and He flows in and through you.<br> 2: Privilege to understand the mind of God:<br>In the garden, the tree of &#39;knowledge and evil&#39; symbolized instant knowledge—revelation without relationship. Information that is divorced from a relationship produces death. Moses didn’t rely on his own ability and knowledge; he took the arduous journey up the mountain to inquire of the Lord. God desires to reveal Himself through fellowship<br>As you grow in your priesthood, there is no language barrier; you understand your Father more deeply. As a priest unto God, you investigate the heart and mind of God. As a priest, you are required to stand before God, know Him, and have a revelation of Him that can only be birthed out of intimacy and fellowship. <br>3.  Preachers of the ways of the Lord:<br>The priest has the function of getting to know God and out of the abundance of knowing your God, you feed your people.  As a priest, you are granted understanding and tasked with imparting this knowledge to God&#39;s people. Scripture says, &quot;My people perish for lack of knowledge,&quot; so in bringing information, you are bringing life.<br><strong>Your function as a king:</strong><br>1. A king is an extension of God’s rule over the earth:<br>We are an extension of His love, mercy, and grace; we don’t rule over people, but we are meant to rule, reign, and have power over every demonic structure and principality.<br> 2. A king protects his boundaries:<br>He knows his reach and manages his territory well. You are meant to take authority and govern within your sphere of influence.<br> 3. A king manages his economy:<br>He controls the flow and direction of resources. A king searches a matter out and generates wealth for his kingdom.<br>You don’t serve mammon but it serves you.<br>Grace like that of Joseph and Daniel is being released today. May God grant you the grace of kingship in your finances, where you will function like the economy of an entire nation<br>Welcome to Kingdom economies; may the priesthood and kingship anointing in you arise!</p>