Encounter Church
Brite Idea: Jesus knows us.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His followers about the kingdom of God and walking in His ways. As part of the sermon, He assured listeners that God knows what we need and He provides. If He provides for the birds and the flowers, He will take even better care of us. Jesus taught we should not worry about things such as food and clothes but rather focus on His kingdom.
God has always provided for His people. From Adam and Eve’s first day in the Garden of Eden, He provided food. When the Israelites left Egypt, God provided food, water, and everything they needed in the wilderness. But God also knew our greatest need was to be rescued from our sin. From the very beginning, He had a plan to send Jesus to live a perfect life and die on the cross. When Jesus rose again, He provided a way for us to live with Him in heaven forever, where we will never have to worry about anything again.
Think About It: Jesus forgives and heals us. He cares about the soul and body.
1. What did this lesson teach you about God?
2. What did this lesson teach you about you?
3. From this lesson what is He asking you to do and/or what is He going to do?
4. How did you hear from God today?
God Encounters:
I encountered God in a difficult time this week.
I worked hard to prepare for an event. I felt pretty good about my preparation, but soon afterward I discovered that others did not feel the same way I did.
I wanted to become offended, but I felt like God just wanted me to listen to their perspectives.
After, I learned that they were not upset about my preparation. They just cared as much as I did and they wanted to see it succeed and had additional thoughts.
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
Discipling Your Children:
Navigating a Broken World – Materialism
Kids today are inundated with messaging about products and brands they “need” to have. Christmas lists written by today’s elementary kids and preteens look nothing like those from a generation ago. Thanks to social media, brand-name shoes, clothing, and even hygiene products are more in demand than ever. Kids in today’s culture often feel their worth is defined by the things they own. In this week’s lesson, kids will learn how Jesus taught His followers not to worry about those types of things. While some kids may truly worry if they have the right brand of shoes, some kids may be worried about even having shoes that fit. Both ends of the spectrum can be overly concerned about materialistic things, though in different ways. Help kids focus on God’s blessings and ways they can bless others.
Here’s how we discussed this topic and how you can discuss at home:
Discuss: What are some brands of clothes or shoes or other products that are really popular right now?
Discuss: How important is it for kids to have those things? Why?
Discuss: What does the Bible have to say about that?
Say: It is so fun to own really cool brands or to have the things everyone is talking about. It can also be discouraging when everyone else has something and maybe your family can’t afford it. Sometimes we get so focused on “stuff” we think what we own determines how good or cool we are. We are not defined by what kind of shoes we wear. We are defined by being loved and treasured by God. Whether we have the most expensive shoes or holey socks, He loves us and says we are incredibly important. Instead of thinking so much about stuff, we can think about God, grow closer to Him and be generous to other people. Those things matter so much more than having the coolest shoes. Matthew 6:33 says: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
I want you to continue to expect your own testimonies.
Listen to God and trust what He says. As always, make sure it is God by comparing His direction with the Bible and/or asking a spiritual leader to help you. Everything God does is a testimony so pay attention. Write the testimony down and share it with others. Remember to say, “Thank you, Lord!” after He speaks.
“With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be alert with all perseverance and every request for all the saints,” – Ephesians 6:18
$5 Memory Verse:
O Lord, You have searched me and known me!
Psalm 139:1
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