Arielle Zadok
Layla Paul is a strategic brand consultant for kinky brands originally from Chicago where her lack of sex education lead her to put her own child through the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program. What a badass move.
Some things we said...
"If it can do double duty, I'm all about that"
"You have this one product that's made for XYZ, but how can you use it in a different way?"
"Partnerships with deep, visceral connections and loyalty last regardless of monogamy or non-monogamy."
"The primal aspects of attraction, like scent and voice, are often overlooked but play a significant role in intimacy."
"Intimacy coordinators in film ensure the safety and comfort of performers during intimate scenes."
... plus so much more. Watch it on YouTube to get the full experience!
Where to find Layla:
Where to find Arielle:
Insta: @ariellezadok // @birdsandbeesdontfck
Freebies, classes, OnlyFans and more:
K, love you, byeeeee