Small-Cap Institute Presents...
Small-Cap Institute Presents...

Small-Cap Institute Presents...

Small-Cap Institute



Small-Cap Institute Presents... where we speak with CEOs and board members who have successfully navigated the growth trajectory from micro-cap, to small-cap, and beyond. We cover issues like financings, early revenue generation, pitfalls of capital markets, working with other company leadership, strategic pivots, and just about every other key topic small-cap leaders encounter.

Recent Episodes

John Rogers, Ariel Investments - There’s a lot more to it than numbers
APR 13, 2021
John Rogers, Ariel Investments - There’s a lot more to it than numbers

We all know and appreciate the old adage: “great minds think alike.”

If you listen to SCI’s interview with Garry Ridge, the high-performing CEO of WD-40, you will hear Mr. Ridge talk about the importance of corporate culture, and the importance of CEOs knowing what they don’t know.

Now listen to Mr. Rogers, and you’ll immediately assimilate the “great minds.”

SCI was fortunate to spend time speaking with John W. Rogers, Jr., Chairman, Co-CEO, and Chief Investment Officer of Ariel Investments.  Ariel manages in excess of $11 billion and started in 1983 with a core focus on small- and mid-cap companies.
