Ep# 296 Anxiety & Stress of Animal Workers

OCT 31, 202420 MIN
Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Ep# 296 Anxiety & Stress of Animal Workers

OCT 31, 202420 MIN


Anxiety is through the roof right now with the upcoming election, 24-hour news, doom scrolling and the fast pace of our society. And animal workers have their own set of stressors that cause anxiety. Everyone needs a safe space to lay down their burdens which is why I created my new group program for non-vets, Wild Hearts Rising. It's a 6-month program and it runs November-April. Registration closes on November 3, so hurry. 

Here's all the details: https://mailchi.mp/c8434ae6b7e7/wildheartsrising