Why are my Duas not working? | Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah)

NOV 8, 202426 MIN
The DiscoverU Life Podcast

Why are my Duas not working? | Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah)

NOV 8, 202426 MIN


Do you often find yourself wondering why your prayers seem to hit a roadblock?

In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah) breaks down the whole dilemma of doors not swinging open and manifestations playing hard to get.

We may fear, at times, that our prayers may not be answered at all…

But this is exactly where we need to have Tawakkul in Allah (swt). There’s no place for doubt for a believer.

The road may seem blurry and uncertainty may rob us of our peace, but if we don’t learn how to move forward with hope...

We might sabotage our Duas ourselves, and the worst part is...

We'll never know and keep on waiting until we finally give up.