Episode 2: Whitney Benjamen

OCT 1, 202341 MIN
The Kerby Method Podcast

Episode 2: Whitney Benjamen

OCT 1, 202341 MIN


<p> </p> <p>In this episode, I speak with Whitney Benjamin, a healing artist and movement teacher. She shares her experience as an empath and intuitive healer, emphasizing the importance of trusting intuition and giving clients power in their healing process. </p> <p>We discuss her work in athletic somatics, promoting psycho-physical intelligence in young female athletes. Whitney incorporates Tarot and hosts medicine ceremonies, highlighting the need for consent and boundaries. </p> <p>We also discuss the influence of culture on embodiment and the importance of intuitive movement. </p> <p>Our conversation emphasizes regaining sovereignty over our bodies and incorporating intuitive practices in our lives.</p> <p><strong>In this episode:</strong></p> <p>0:01:58 Discussion on psychic abilities and grounding</p> <p>0:04:24 Openly addressing psychic abilities and boundaries</p> <p>0:06:21 Everyone&#39;s ability to tune into energy</p> <p>0:08:38 Somatic athletic education for young female athletes</p> <p>0:10:30 Introduction to mixed yoga arts for athletes</p> <p>0:16:42 The Influence of female athletes on culture</p> <p>0:20:25 The transformative experience of playing softball in italy</p> <p>0:25:18 Exciting travel plans and climbing adventures</p> <p>0:30:11 Tips for middle-aged women in nervous system regulation and athletics</p> <p>0:33:52 The power of movement for anxiety relief</p> <p><strong>You can find Whitney on:</strong></p> <p>Instagram - @whitneylynnbenjamin</p> <p><a href="https://www.playeveryday.co/">https://www.playeveryday.co/</a></p> <p>Whitney Benjamin discusses the power of intuition in healing and empowering clients, emphasizing athletic somatics and intuitive practices.</p> <p><br><br> </p>