Ms Jun Byong Nam | Regional Director of KICC Singapore | K-Startup Grand Challenge 2020

JUN 22, 202025 MIN
The CMO Asia Podcast

Ms Jun Byong Nam | Regional Director of KICC Singapore | K-Startup Grand Challenge 2020

JUN 22, 202025 MIN


On this recent episode recorded on 28th of May 2020, I had the privilege of speaking with Ms Jun from South Korea. We got a pretty killer show, especially for those out there watching this via our live video streams - 80% are CMOs from brands and organizations around the world and the remaining 20% are startup founders and entrepreneurs. So if you are in the startup world, pay attention in the next half hour or so, because we doubled down on a whole bunch of different topics like why Korea is the preferred destination for Startups, the exciting K Startup Grand Challenge, The Accelerating Program and more below: - [x] Her role as Regional Director of Korea IT Industry Cooperation Center - [x] How they foster Korean ICT companies to grow their business by funding them to develop new technologies and business models that can lead the innovative growth for the ICT industry and ultimately the entire national economy by funding promising tech companies such as AI, Data, VR/AR - [x] What has been the highlight of her career ie. having a very wide relationship with young startups who were mostly university students, helping her understand the barriers, obstacles, and needs they have when starting their own businesses, working for the government by supporting them to launch new and innovative projects - [x] What was going to be the highlight of this year ie. the 5th edition of the K-startup Grand Challenge (the world’s largest 3 month accelerator program), where they are seeking applications from startups across the world to come do business in Korea and 60 finalists will be chosen - they’ll be given living expenses of up to $15,490 USD, mentorship, partnerships with the likes of Samsung, and a chance to win from a prize pool of $240,000 USD! - [x] Why Korea; What else is unique about KSGC; What about COVID? - [x] Why are they the preferred partner for growth and expansion in Singapore and ASEAN for Korea’s Creative ICT companies and the bridge to Korean innovative technology? - [x] What are their 3 main offerings that bring Korea and Singapore closer ie. Marketing/ PR Campaign Advice (via organising seminars, roadshows, regular networking events and other marketing efforts), Partnership and Business Mentorships - [x] What is the KSGC Process; The qualification critieria to apply for the KSGC program; How many team members can participate in the program; Are startups required to live in the Republic of Korea;The benefits of participating in the KSGC - [x] How she would like to be remembered and where to find her work ie. K Startup Grand Challenge Website: FAQ: - [x] Watch video replay of this podcast episode on YouTube via: