At Peace Within
At Peace Within

At Peace Within

Kelsey Pietropaolo



I’m Kelsey, holistic life coach and intuitive healer for empath entrepreneurs and creators.  This podcast is all about the journey of healing, self-discovery and growth we must take to prosper and thrive in life - mind, body, and spirit.  One of my gifts is helping people create internal worlds so healthy and so happy, thriving in their lives and businesses becomes the natural byproduct. This podcast is here to help you do just that. I want to help you discover the power that lies in healing your internal world, because when you do, that’s when you become truly boundless and free.

Recent Episodes

Racism was ingrained in me.
JUN 2, 2020
Racism was ingrained in me.
Racism was ingrained in me, and it was up to me to change my beliefs.⁣ ⁣ Racism is a direct result of being disconnected from love.⁣ ⁣ If you are connected to love, if you are in your body…⁣ ⁣ Racism is not a possibility.⁣ ⁣ It’s impossible for you to harm yourself, and it’s impossible for you to harm another.⁣ ⁣ Let’s channel our frustration, sorrow, and grief into action.⁣ ⁣ It’s not black people’s responsibility to end racism - it’s not their problem to solve, nor is it within their control. Because it’s white people, our disconnection from love, and our subconscious beliefs that are the problem. Which means it’s OUR responsibility. Which means we must be the ones to act.⁣ ⁣ Let’s band together, lean on each other, and hold each other accountable with love and respect. The way we raise society’s standards is by raising our own individual standards.⁣ ⁣ For me step #1 has been educating myself as much as possible, learning, and listening deeply to my black brothers and sisters.⁣ ⁣ I’m currently listening to the audiobook “Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race “by Reni Eddo-Lodge. ⁣ ⁣ I’m dedicated to being actively anti-racist.⁣ ⁣ And I’m dedicated to raising my standards for myself. I’m dedicated to connecting deeper to the love within myself, to sharing kindness with myself, so that I can then share that openly with others.⁣ ⁣ Be love. Be kindness. Be the light. Be solution-oriented.⁣ There is no obstacle bigger than us.⁣ We must act, now, and it must start within.⁣ ⁣ ~~~~~~~~⁣ ⁣ ✨If you’re ready to do inner work but don’t know where to start, please contact me, I’d be happy to offer you a free break through healing session and I will guide you home to the light within yourself:⁣ ⁣ ✨Send me a DM on my Instagram @seektraveler -⁣ ⁣ ✨or email me: [email protected]
26 MIN
How to stop procrastinating & overcome laziness
APR 21, 2020
How to stop procrastinating & overcome laziness

Ep. #10 : How To Stop Procrastinating & Overcome Laziness⁣

The truth will set you free and allow you to rise up to your full potential.💥⁣

Listen to this episode to discover the root of your procrastination, and how you can nip it in the bud for good.🙌⁣

I know exactly what it feels like to procrastinate to no end, and fall into the vicious cycle:⁣

You have a list of things you want to do, or you have a goal, something you want to achieve…⁣

And then you put it off, and put it off, and then you get mad at yourself for putting it off. And then you feel sorry for yourself, you feel even lower, you feel even less worthy, your confidence plummets, and so then it becomes even harder to get back into things again.⁣

And then, the only solution you allow yourself to see is to just not plan things, and just not set goals because you never reach them anyway. And if you plan too much you’ll just end up feeling bad about all the things that you haven't accomplished.⁣

I know because I was there.🙋‍♀️⁣

And I don’t do that anymore, and if I could break through, let me tell you, so can you.🌈✨ ⁣

~~~~~~~~~~~ ⁣

✨If you’re READY to break through, and join our community of badass warrior queens who are breaking through their self-doubt & re-programming their limiting beliefs, then take action! Reach out in one of the following ways:⁣

✨Send me a DM on my Instagram @seektraveler -⁣

✨Facebook page -⁣

✨Email - [email protected]

✨Apply directly for a free 1 hr healing session, which is the first step into my program and only for those who know they are ready for healing and growth -

28 MIN