<p><strong>Mikey and Vicki</strong> bring you a cornucopia of tales about <strong>Mercedes Gleitze</strong>, the first British woman to swim the English Channel. With a dramatized section and interviews with her grandson <strong>Andrew Pember</strong> and bathing historian <strong>Anna Maria Mullally</strong> the program celebrates this iconic swimmer. We also find out all about the <strong>“Swimming a Long Way Together”</strong> project, a tribute to Mercedes created by <strong>Vanessa Daws</strong>. We bring Mercedes&#39; story to life and delve deeper into who she was and the legacy she has left.</p>


SwimOut Podcast

Mercedes Gleitze: S4E5

OCT 10, 202338 MIN

Mercedes Gleitze: S4E5

OCT 10, 202338 MIN


<p><strong>Mikey and Vicki</strong> bring you a cornucopia of tales about <strong>Mercedes Gleitze</strong>, the first British woman to swim the English Channel. With a dramatized section and interviews with her grandson <strong>Andrew Pember</strong> and bathing historian <strong>Anna Maria Mullally</strong> the program celebrates this iconic swimmer. We also find out all about the <strong>“Swimming a Long Way Together”</strong> project, a tribute to Mercedes created by <strong>Vanessa Daws</strong>. We bring Mercedes&#39; story to life and delve deeper into who she was and the legacy she has left.</p>