Liann's DNA Surprise | Pat's DNA Surprise - Updates
OCT 29, 202457 MIN
Liann's DNA Surprise | Pat's DNA Surprise - Updates
OCT 29, 202457 MIN
<p>Did you know that the DNA Surprises podcast community meets in a virtual support group every month? We started the Third Thursday Meetup in 2023 to serve as an additional resource for NPEs, late-discovery donor-conceived people, and late-discovery adoptees to find community and support. Third Thursdays have quickly become one of my favorite nights of the month, due in no small part to the two people who are sharing updates in this special double update episode.</p>
<p>Liann and Pat uncovered their DNA surprises in very different ways. Liann found out long before consumer DNA tests, while Pat uncovered her surprise more recently. In the first half of this week’s episode, Liann joins me to share her progress as she moves in the advocacy stage of her DNA surprise journey. At around the 27-minute mark, Pat joins me for the second half of this episode and shares how she’s doing nearly a year and a half after her surprise.</p>
<p>Be sure to listen to Liann and Pat’s episodes, and then listen to their updates.</p>
<p>Thanks to Lianna and Pat for joining me again.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Liann's original episode</a><br /><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Pat's original episode</a></p>
<p>By the way, if you want to sign up for Third Thursdays, go to <a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> </p>