<p><strong>Twenty Toes</strong></p><p>Join hosts Bill, Gwynn, Liz, and Ms. B in the latest episode of TFTSI Podcast, "Twenty Toes." Get ready for a rollercoaster of random behind-the-scenes stories, from outrageous tales of fraud to hilarious hotel review ratings. Dive into the world of Anime Con adventures, bunny strippers, and much more.</p><p><strong>Share Your Story with Us</strong></p><p>Have a story to tell? Or your favorite side hustle to share with Liz? Send us an email at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> or visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="http://TFTSI.com">TFTSI.com</a> to submit your story through our website.</p><p>🙏 <strong>Help Us Grow</strong></p><p>Enjoying the show? Support us with a quick click: subscribe, share with your friends, and leave a rating. Your small efforts make a big difference in spreading awareness and reaching new listeners. Thank you for listening!</p><p>#TFTSI #TalesFromTheServiceIndustry #AnimeCon #Anime #BunnyStrippers #FrontDesk #Hotel #Service #ServiceIndustry #Subscribe #Followers #Feet</p>