As you may have noticed, shows over the last few weeks have been few and far between. This is mainly because third year university is HELL in terms of projects and assignments. When I’m not drawing database models for one class, I’m writing use cases for another or solving recurence relations or writing operating system enhancements or… You get the picture.
Anyway, basically I’m putting the show on hold for the time being. I’m not giving up on The Queen’s English, not at all, but I need a little breathing room for university right now. I estimate that I should be back recording new shows for you some time in January, but we’ll have to see…
Now on to new and exciting things. As I’ve mentioned before I’m a member of the Carleton Improv Association, my university improv team. We did our first show last night and it was a blast. What’s exciting is that we managed to record both audio and video of the performance. Within a week or so I hope to have all the raw data trimmed and primped for public consumption and posted on our team website (coded by yours truly). So if you absolutely can’t wait to hear (and maybe even see) more comedy from me, check for updates there over the next week or so. I’ll also post here when things start happening, most likely.