New Show: Flip-Reverse It A show! A show! My Kingdom for a sh… Oh wait, there it is. My humble apologies for the delay. Now that I’m back into the swing of University I should be more reliable posting the show. Hopefully Show Links: Teknikal Diffikulties is Cayenne Chris Conroy’s podcast. I’ve told you before […]

The Queen\’s English

David Underwood

Flip-Reverse It

SEP 18, 2006-1 MIN
The Queen\’s English

Flip-Reverse It

SEP 18, 2006-1 MIN


New Show: Flip-Reverse It

A show! A show! My Kingdom for a sh… Oh wait, there it is. My humble apologies for the delay. Now that I’m back into the swing of University I should be more reliable posting the show. Hopefully

Show Links:

Teknikal Diffikulties is Cayenne Chris Conroy’s podcast. I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again: Listen to it!