Many mothers and families struggle with the effects of alcohol use disorder (addiction). There is one single barrier to seeking support and often the truth about addiction can be distorted and misunderstood. But when we can understand the science behind addiction and the cycles that trap families in the vicious, traumatic experience of addiction, we can take steps to heal in a holistic manner with the right support.Today, I'm joined by sober coach and author, Courtney Andersen, founder of Sob...

Motherhood Behind Closed Doors

By Perinatal Mental Health Occupational Therapist Ella Milner

Episode 2: Breaking Down Addiction from Both Sides of the Fence in Motherhood with Courtney Andersen, Founder of Sober Vibes & Sober Day.

DEC 18, 202359 MIN
Motherhood Behind Closed Doors

Episode 2: Breaking Down Addiction from Both Sides of the Fence in Motherhood with Courtney Andersen, Founder of Sober Vibes & Sober Day.

DEC 18, 202359 MIN


Many mothers and families struggle with the effects of alcohol use disorder (addiction). There is one single barrier to seeking support and often the truth about addiction can be distorted and misunderstood. But when we can understand the science behind addiction and the cycles that trap families in the vicious, traumatic experience of addiction, we can take steps to heal in a holistic manner with the right support.

Today, I'm joined by sober coach and author, Courtney Andersen, founder of Sober Vibes and National Sober Day, to discuss addiction from both sides of the fence: the individual living with an addiction and the loved ones who stand beside them. You can find Courtney at

Show Notes:

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Perinatal Mental Health Occupational Therapist

Ella is the founder of Mind Over Mumma and senior therapist providing therapy services to mothers. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our evidence-based services. Ella is a mum of two with lived experience and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by mothers today. Her empathetic approach creates a safe, nurturing space for growth and healing.

Connect with Ella Milner and Mind Over Mumma Perinatal & Maternal Mental Health Service

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