They Hate Me Because I Ask The Hard Questions
They Hate Me Because I Ask The Hard Questions

They Hate Me Because I Ask The Hard Questions



These are the ramblings of Will Wash.

Recent Episodes

Covid Vaccines and Us
MAR 14, 2021
Covid Vaccines and Us
What’s on my mind? Covid vaccines. One Montgomery County, the richest and one of the largest counties in the state don’t have a mass vaccination site yet. Still waiting because phase 2 & 3 are going to be a battle royal is MC residents have to keep “take up appointments” across the state. Two, the truth about America. Hard work is an ideal and stepping stone for how America really work. Connections and influence. Best things in America comes from access. It’s the best kept secret. How do you really get a good deal? A hook up. How do so many people get scholarships for school while so many others have student loans? Knowledge yea but how do one person know about stuff one hundred others don’t? Covid vaccinations are stepping in line with the truth about America. Look at who is getting quickly vaccinated. There are people along the people that is supposed to be line for them also getting it. I’m not mad at that at, this how America works. I am mad at people to try to discourage others from getting there’s. Don’t knock the hustler on this one. From my observations, this one of those rare times when black and brown are singling ourselves out because of well earned mistrust of out society and shouldn’t be. The way I see it being in a Western Country right now is blessing. In Africa and other places they are begging for vaccines to save lives and our countries have the lion share while the rest of the world fights for scraps. This is not like Tuskegee or secret birth control programs. They are not trying to give the vaccine only to black people, almost the opposite. Like your voting rights, it’s not made easy for black and brown people in general. Computer based appointments, limited sites, and uneven distribution To all my woke brother and sisters, if you see white people from the richest county in the state strolling in to the blackest county in the state to get all the vaccine appointments and left over shots, wake up, there is something to it. This is America, they found out how to get something that’s valuable. Black and brown people we should be sharing tips on how to each other appointments and left over shots instead of discouraging each other. Please excuse any misspellings and grammar, I just want to get this thought down before I move on with my life. Love, Peace, and hair grease. ✊🏾
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A First!
APR 24, 2014
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How I First Learned To Program
OCT 15, 2013
How I First Learned To Program
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="149" /></a></div> I been asked many times, is computer programming hard? &nbsp;My answer is always no, anyone can learn. &nbsp;I taught myself my first programming language in early in the 9th grade after randomly finding this BASIC Games Book in the used bookstore in Downtown Wheaton, Maryland. &nbsp;On the family old 286 PC, I would sit there an type out programs and run them on the MS-DOS BASIC Interpreter. &nbsp;I never learn how to save the files so I would have to retype the programs every time I got on. &nbsp;It wasn't just about playing the games, it was the correlation of what I typed and how it translated in to actions on the computer. &nbsp;And with further understanding, I would be able to write programs that do what I want them to do, like those in the book.<br /> <br /> At night, I would lay in the bed and study the programs...relating what one line might mean to another. &nbsp;And that's how I learned BASIC. &nbsp;I didn't have anyone to teach me or any idea of what it was I was looking at, but I liked it. &nbsp;I was able to figure out what the keywords meant through mostly trial and error and relational analyst. &nbsp;Now that I'm older, I don't think it was a process too different from someone learning another speaking language through immersion. &nbsp;Learning is learning no matter what the subject is. &nbsp;You can learn the laws of physics by using and observing them. <br /> <br /> Today, I know several more programming language and have a Computer Science degree. &nbsp;Also, I am doing what I learned to love years ago for a living. &nbsp;It feels good. &nbsp;But the bottom line, it wasn't hard to learn; it only took one book, and it wasn't even a how to book.<br /> <br /> *Disclaimer* Learning a computer language is not difficult at all but being good at writing computer software is mainly the reason why you paid what you are paid. &nbsp;Just like a writer, knowing how to put words together will only get you so far, the talent is how well you put the words together to achieve your goal.
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William Washington Photography
OCT 15, 2013
William Washington Photography
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="website thumbnail" border="0" height="229" src="" title="" width="320" /></a>Years ago, I was given an SLR camera as a birthday gift and since then I have taken thousands of pictures. &nbsp;That camera has long been put to rest but the hobby has continued. &nbsp;For a couple years now, I toyed around with the idea of creating an online website to showcase some of my pictures in a portfolio style. &nbsp;But not really to generate business, only because photography is still a hobby for me. &nbsp;I just want to simply to have a calling card for opening future doors. &nbsp;Last week, I took a couples hours to collect some pictures and throw together a website. <br /> <br /> I present William Washington Photography. &nbsp;Feel free to check it out.<br /> <br /> <h3> <a href=""></a></h3>
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