Hello? Is Anyone Out There?

AUG 20, 2023-1 MIN
They Hate Me Because I Ask The Hard Questions

Hello? Is Anyone Out There?

AUG 20, 2023-1 MIN


It's been a while since I last wrote. A lot has happened, I've changed too. I would like to think for the better and its evolution. <br /><br /> A while back but after Nisha was born, I said to my wife, Kesh, I wanted to keep a journal for Nisha. If or when I'm gone, she'll have my thoughts and wisdom I couldn't share in person. <br /><br /> For my birthday and Father's Day, she bought me a beautiful notebook and a journal as gifts to get me started. <br /><br /> I still love the idea, but getting started is harder then you think, especially of you are not a writer and don't have any time. Right now for me to type this post, uneditted, unproof read is a lot for me. I'm typing it on my little iphone on the toilet.&nbsp;<div>&nbsp; <br />Anyway the first step in a journey is always the hardest, and this post is intended to be my first step in writing down my thoughts into a space that can later be recieved years later, like a science fiction movie. </div>