<description>&lt;p&gt;I recently read an article where a husband said, &amp;#8220;I thought I could change her after we were married.&amp;#8221; How many times have I heard one spouse or another say that? Let&amp;#8217;s cut to the chase&amp;#8230;IT&amp;#8217;S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. PERIOD. Not unless they want to change. Today we are going to talk about how [&amp;#8230;]&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The post &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2012/12/17/a-fresh-start-how-to-fix-your-husband-or-your-wife-really/"&gt;A Fresh Start &amp;#8211; How to &amp;#8220;Fix&amp;#8221; Your Husband or Your Wife&amp;#8230;REALLY!&lt;/a&gt; appeared first on &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net"&gt;WebTalkRadio.net&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

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A Fresh Start – How to “Fix” Your Husband or Your Wife…REALLY!

DEC 17, 201254 MIN
A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

A Fresh Start – How to “Fix” Your Husband or Your Wife…REALLY!

DEC 17, 201254 MIN


I recently read an article where a husband said, “I thought I could change her after we were married.” How many times have I heard one spouse or another say that? Let’s cut to the chase…IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. PERIOD. Not unless they want to change. Today we are going to talk about how to heal a marriage. Dr. Deb’s latest book The Healing is Mutual she shares empowerment tools to rebuild the trust and respect between both individuals.

Here’s what Dr. Deb says: “If there is one thing I want you to know about me, it’s that my whole approach as a Marriage and Family Therapist to helping couples is NOT about finger-pointing; it’s NOT about “diagnosing” the “problem” and it’s NOT about just “communicating.” My approach is about building on your strengths, being understanding of what you’ve been through, and giving you solutions that are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and behavioral. You can pick and choose which ones are the best fit for you, but they are all geared to healing. Healed people have space for happiness. I believe that you have suffered and now it’s time to heal. I want to help you heal from your past and your present. I want to help you and your partner to create a beautiful future. I want to help you to fall in love again. It is possible.”

Dr. Deb holds a Ph. D. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University. She began researching the areas of verbal abuse and domestic violence 20 years ago and has been writing and sharing ever since. She has authored and co-authored dozens of articles that appeared in both academic and lay publications, including a stint as Health Editor of The Jewish Star Times, a Miami Herald publication. Dr. Deb’s media appearances include America’s Health Network, News with Jim Turner, and News Radio 820 with Robin Hart. Dr. Deb is the founder of drdeb.com, the popular website that provides comprehensive information on marriage and family issues.

The post A Fresh Start – How to “Fix” Your Husband or Your Wife…REALLY! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.